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55 Percent of Republican Catholics Say Biden Should Be Denied Communion, Pew Says

Christian Headlines - The majority of Americans believe President Biden is a religious man, although U.S. Catholics are divided along party lines over whether he should be denied communion because of his support for abortion rights, according to a new Pew survey.

The poll, released Wednesday, found that 58 percent of adults in America know Biden is Catholic, and 64 percent believe he is at least “somewhat” religious.

More than two-thirds (67 percent) of U.S. Catholics believe Biden “should be allowed to receive communion” regardless of “his views on abortion” – Pew didn’t specify Biden’s views in the question – although there is a significant divide along party lines.

By a margin of 55-44 percent, Republican Catholics say Biden should not be allowed to receive communion because of his pro-choice views. But Democratic Catholics believe the opposite, with 87 percent saying Biden should be able to receive communion.

Pew said Catholics are “deeply split along party lines” on the issue.

“Biden has said that he wants to make Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision that established a woman’s right to an abortion nationwide, the ‘law of the land,’ among other policy changes,” Pew noted. “As a result, some....READ MORE is brought to you by a group of Christian writers and editors who are dedicated to creating a well-rounded look at what’s happening across the globe from a Christian worldview. Our vision is to inform and inspire productive discussion about the current events and online trends that shape our lives, our churches and our world. includes blog posts about current events and Christian media, breaking news, feature articles, and guest commentaries, many written by respected Christian thinkers.



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